What Size Air Compressor For Air Fed Mask – Complete Guide 2023

Six-minute read

Many people are looking for a reliable and well-suited air compressor for air fed mask. But with so many different models, sizes and features available on the market today, it can be hard to decide what size air compressor for air fed mask is most suitable for your needs.

In this article, I will assist in finding exactly the right size air compressor for your personal requirements when using a mask. We have taken into account all air compressor requirements, power outputs and extras that could make that all important difference between getting the job done or just not having enough puff! So lets get started!


What Size Air Compressor For Air Fed Mask

What Size Air Compressor For Air Fed Mask

For air fed mask, you’ll need an air compressor with a CFM rating of at least 5 and a PSI rating around 60-100. HP should be 2-3, and the tank size should be around 10 gallons or higher.

Minimum Size Air Compressor For Air Fed Mask

What Is An Air Fed Mask?

An air fed mask is a type of personal protective equipment (PPE) that allows the user to breathe clean, filtered air while preventing harmful particles from entering the lungs. It works by connecting an air source – usually a compressor – to the face mask via an air hose, providing filtered air in a continuous flow. This ensures that any dust, dirt or other particles cannot enter the lungs and cause long-term respiratory health problems.

Air fed masks are particularly useful for certain professions, such as painters and decorators who use paint sprayers, industrial workers dealing with hazardous materials, and people who work in dusty environments like woodworking shops. Air fed masks ensure that you can work safely and securely, without risking your health.

Types of Air Fed Masks:

There are several types of air fed masks available on the market, each designed to suit different needs. These are:

1- Full Face Mask

2- Half-Face Mask

3- Loose-Fit Hood

4- Powered Respirator

Each type of mask offers a number of features and benefits, such as: protection against particulates, chemical vapors and gases; customized fitment options; replaceable filters; lightweight materials for comfort. It is important to consider all the different types available before deciding which is best for your needs.

1- Full Face Mask:

This type of air fed mask offers the highest level of protection, as it covers the entire face, including eyes and mouth. It is usually used in more hazardous environments such as welding or sandblasting.

2- Half-Face Mask:

As the name suggests, this type of air fed mask only covers half of your face – from the bridge of your nose to below your chin. It is ideal for use in less hazardous environments, such as painting and light construction work.

3- Loose-Fit Hood:

This type of air fed mask covers the entire head, with a loose fit that can be easily adjusted for comfort. It is mainly used in high-risk environments like chemical processing and working with asbestos or lead.

4- Powered Respirator:

This type of air fed mask is equipped with an electric motor that forces filtered air through the mask using fans, providing continuous clean breathing space even when you’re not moving around. Powered respirators are suitable for most industrial applications, such as grinding or welding.

7 Important Factors to Consider When Selecting an Air Compressor for Air Fed Mask:

Factors to Consider When Selecting an Air Compressor for Air Fed Mask

Once you have selected the type of air fed mask that’s right for your needs, there are several important factors to consider when it comes to choosing an air compressor to power your system. Here are some of the most important:

1. PSI Rate:

This is a measure of the amount of pressure created by the compressor. A higher PSI indicates greater pressure and increased performance levels, which can be beneficial in applications where you need a large volume of air delivered quickly.

2. Horsepower:

This measures the power output of the motor that powers the compressor. The higher this number is, generally speaking, the more powerful your compressor will be and therefore able to produce more compressed air with less effort.

3. Tank Size:

The size of the air tank on your compressor is also important, as it determines how much air can be stored at one time. For more frequent use, a larger tank is usually recommended to prevent the need for frequent refilling.

4. CFM Air Output:

These measures how much air volume is delivered by the compressor in one minute. A higher CFM rating allows you to run multiple applications simultaneously and reduce wear and tear on the motor due to increased pressure.

5. Flow Meter:

This allows you to measure and control the amount of air that flows through your system, which is helpful in achieving optimum performance from your air tools or machinery being used.

6. Duty Cycle:

This is the amount of time a compressor can be used before needing to rest. For example, a 25% duty cycle means it can be used for 15 minutes out of an hour before taking a 45 minute break.

7. Portability:

Depending on what type of work you’re doing and where, portability may also be an important factor in your decision. If you are working in multiple locations or need to move your equipment around with ease then this should definitely be taken into consideration when selecting an air compressor for air fed mask.

Factors in Detail:

Now let’s discuss these 7 factors one by one in detail.

PSI Requirement for Air Fed Mask:

The amount of PSI (pounds per square inch) required to power an air fed mask will depend on the type of mask you are using. For example, the full face type usually requires a higher PSI rating than a half-face or loose hood type. Generally speaking, anything below 4 CFM’s will be insufficient for any type of air fed mask and should be avoided.

CFM Requirement for Air Fed Mask:

The CFM (cubic feet per minute) rating of an air compressor indicates how much compressed air it can deliver in one minute. A higher number is ideal if you need a large volume of air delivered quickly, as this will enable you to run multiple applications simultaneously and reduce wear and tear on the motor due to increased pressure.

Horsepower Requirement for Air Fed Mask:

The horsepower rating of your air compressor is important when selecting an air compressor for air fed masks as it determines how powerful the motor is and therefore how well it can deliver compressed air at sustained pressure levels over time. A higher HP rating indicates that it can produce more compressed air with less effort.

Tank Size Requirement for Air Fed Mask:

The size of the tank on your compressor is also important, as it determines how much air can be stored at one time. A larger tank typically means more air capacity and less frequent refilling, but this may also mean a bigger overall machine with greater weight and bulk to carry around or move from location to location. It’s therefore important to select the right sized tank for your particular needs.

Flow Meter Requirement for Air Fed Mask:

A flow meter is a great tool that allows you to measure and control the amount of air that flows through your system, which can be helpful in achieving optimum performance from your tools or machinery being used with an air fed mask. It also ensures that no more than the necessary amount of compressed air is used, helping to save money on operating costs.

Duty Cycle Requirement for Air Fed Mask:

The duty cycle measures how long your compressor can be used before needing to rest. An ideal duty cycle should be between 40% and 70%, which means it can be used for 4-7 minutes out of a 10 minute period before taking a break.

Portability Requirement for Air Fed Mask:

The portability of your air compressor is also important to consider when selecting an air compressor for air fed masks. If you plan on using the compressor in multiple locations or need to move your equipment around with ease then look for a model that is lightweight and easy to transport from place to place. Additionally, accessories such as hoses, fittings and regulators should be considered when weighing up portability options.

Noise Level of Air Compressor for Air Fed Mask:

The noise level of an air compressor is important to consider when using it in a residential or work environment, as it can be disruptive to the people around you. Many modern models include features that reduce noise output, such as sound insulation and muffling technology, so be sure to look for these features when selecting an air compressor for air fed masks.

Additional Factors To Consider:

There are some additional factors which also needs to be considered when selecting an air compressor air fed mask.

Maintenance and Costs associated with Air Compressor:

Air compressors require regular maintenance and servicing in order to continue functioning at optimum efficiency, so you should consider this when purchasing yours. Additionally, the cost of repair parts and labour can quickly add up if your compressor is not regularly serviced, so factor this into the overall cost of ownership.

Air Pressure Requirements for Air Fed Mask:

Air pressure requirements will vary depending on the type of air fed mask being used, but typically should range between 4-7 bar (60-100 psi). It’s important to ensure that your compressor is capable of delivering this level of air pressure in order for the mask to function correctly.

Air Quality and Filtration for Air Fed Mask:

The quality of the air supplied by an air compressor can have a direct effect on the performance and longevity of your equipment, so it’s important to ensure that the air is clean before use. Many models feature onboard filtration systems that can help remove dust and other contaminants from the air, preserving their performance over time.

Pre-Purchase Testing of Air Compressor for Air Fed Mask:

It’s always important to test out a machine before making a purchase in order to make sure it meets your needs. Many companies offer testing services for their air compressors, or you can take advantage of a free trial period that many manufacturers provide with their products. This will allow you to check whether the compressor is capable of delivering the CFM, pressure and sound levels desired.

Safety Features For Air Fed Mask:

Your air compressor should include features that help protect you and the environment, such as a pressure relief valve to prevent over-pressurization. Additionally, look for safety features such as automatic shutdowns and alarms that can alert you in the case of any potential problems. With the right safety measures in place, you can be sure your work environment is safe for both you and your equipment.

Guarantee/Warranty with Air Compressor for Air Fed Mask:

When selecting an air compressor for your air fed mask, it’s important to consider the warranty that comes with it. Most manufacturers will offer a limited warranty on their products, so make sure to check what type of coverage is included before making your purchase. This will ensure that your compressor is covered in the event of any issues down the line, helping you to save money on repairs or replacements.

Ease of Use:

The ease of use should also be taken into consideration when selecting an air compressor. Look for models that are user-friendly and come with an intuitive control panel, as well as clear instruction manuals or tutorials to help you get the most out of your purchase. This will enable you to easily set up and use your compressor without any hassle.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Different Air Compressor Types:

The type of air compressor you choose will depend on your specific needs and budget. Different types of compressors offer different sets of advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider these before making a purchase. For example, oil-free air compressors are typically easier to use due to their low maintenance requirements, but may not be able to provide the same level of performance as oil-lubed models.

Noise Levels:

When looking for an air compressor for your air fed mask, you should consider the noise levels produced by the machine. This is especially important if you will be using it in a professional environment or around others that may be sensitive to loud noise. Look for models that feature sound dampening technology to help keep the sound levels down.


Lastly, it’s important to consider your budget when selecting an air compressor for air fed mask. There are a variety of different price points available on the market today, so make sure to choose a model that fits within your budget. Additionally, many manufacturers will offer discounts and sales on their air compressors from time to time, so keep an eye out for these opportunities as well.


Selecting an air compressor for air fed mask does not have to be a difficult or overwhelming task. With the right research and consideration of your needs, you can easily narrow down your options and find a model that is well-suited to your budget and requirements. Be sure to test out any machines before committing to purchase, as well as consider the safety features, noise levels and warranties that come with each model. With the right air compressor for air fed mask in your possession, you can be sure to get reliable performance from your machine.

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